
Stefania Russo, in arte Illusorya (precedentemente LadyFanhir), è artista autodidatta e indipendente. Nata nel 1984, vive nel Nord-Ovest Italia.
Diplomata in Operatore della Moda e successivamente all'esperienza come restauratrice di mobili antichi, abbandona lentamente queste ultime e si concentra sul mondo dell'Arte, come autodifesa dai primi offuscamenti di un forte crollo dovuto alla propria instabilità mentale e fisica. Se inizialmente l'arte era usata come terapia di fuga dalla realtà, col tempo divenne fonte di ispirazione per il percorso che stava cercando: attraverso la forma più elegante e onirica del Dark Grotesque traspone frammenti di vita umana, fragilità e resilienza ispirata dall'ascolto delle esperienze personali e altrui.
Stefania è un'artista tradizionale che predilige gli acquerelli, strumenti dal mood anarchico come i sentimenti stessi. La particolarità dei suoi dipinti è che sono realizzati con la tecnica "Alla Prima" -primo tentativo- e su formati più piccoli, che non superano i 30x40cm, per mantenere il massimo impatto emotivo, che andrebbe perso dopo vari tentativi nella ricerca estetica della perfezione.
L'essere autodidatta, infatti, insegnò a Stefania l'importanza di rappresentare la perfezione nella propria imperfezione seppur con la ricerca raffinata di dettagli e sinergie tra linee e colori e, cosa più importante, ritrarre contro la canonica regola estetica del "bello" incoraggiando ad accogliere il volto dell'umanità; si concentra prevalentemente sul genere femminile, oltre a raffigurare persone queer e androgine.
Le prospettive si adattano elegantemente alla visione emotiva dell'ispirazione, dando spazio a una visione ingannevole come tale è la mente umana e le sue maschere. Il nome Illusorya, infatti, nasce dall'idea di creare opere seducenti apparentemente semplici a prima vista, al punto da colpire nel cuore di chi si addentra coraggiosamente nei dettagli simbolici nascosti.
Nel 2016 ha fondato, insieme all'artista svedese Sandra Hultsved, la galleria online "Memento Tea Gallery" dedicata al genere Dark & Grotesque, dove pittori e scultori nazionali e internazionali hanno partecipato al progetto. Memento Tea Gallery è attualmente in pausa per motivi logistici.
Stefania lavora attualmente come artista indipendente.
Le sue opere e sono state pubblicate in diverse pubblicazioni e progetti internazionali ed esposte in gallerie internazionali. Inoltre, espone in fiere ed eventi.
Oltre a questo, Stefania ha recentemente aperto il suo atelier al pubblico, dando la possibilità di visitare e acquistare di persona le sue opere.
"Stefania Russo (precedentemente, aka LadyFanhir) artista italiana autodidatta Fantasy/Gothic tradizionale, crea un'arte espressiva e fortemente sensuale che combina dolore, fame, lussuria e forza"
-The WallBreakers
- Group show: "Sherotica", Galley X Dublin, IRELAND. Featuring artwork: "That mellifluous memory of Awakening"
- Group show during AgricolART event: "Innesti", Alessandria, ITALY. Featuring artwork: "Domina Corvorum"
- Group online show: "Once upon a Nightmare", Curio Art Gallery. Lisboa, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "In the Rabbit's treacherous lair of freedom"
- Group online show: "Memoir", Curio Art Gallery. Lisboa, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "Synopsis of a dream the never comes true"
- Group show: "Sanctuary of Expressions", Poetic Tiger Gallery. Boise, USA.
Featuring artwork: "Spirit Guide"
- Group show: "Visceral Pleasures", Metamophosis Gallery. Willetton, AUSTRALIA. Featuring artwork: "The absolution of miserable origins"
- Group show: "Open Theme - Summer 2024" on ArtCollide, online gallery. Featuring artwork: "A blooming flower for the Venus of Eternal Spring"
- Vendor booth at: Wunder Mrkt, Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta, Lainate (MI). ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: ALEcomics, Caserma Valfrè, Alessandria. ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Poppy Market, Vigliano Biellese (BI). ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Flea Market * Halloween Edition, NXT Station, Bergamo. ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Gardacon, Centro Fiera Montichiari (Brescia), ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Modena Nerd, ModenaFiere, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Parma Tattoo Nerd Fest, Fiere di Parma, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Mantova Wonderfest, Grana Padano Arena, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Como Fun, Lario Fiere (Erba, Como), ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Gardacon, Montichiari (Brescia), ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Ultracon, Cremona Fiere, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Nerd Show, Bologna Fiere, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Milano Comics and Games (Spring Edition), MalpensaFiere (Busto Arsizio), ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Parma Tattoo Nerd Fest, Fiere di Parma, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Nerd Show, Bologna Fiere, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: ALEcomics, Cittadella di Alessandria. ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Modena Nerd, ModenaFiere, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Milano Comics and Games (Fall Edition), MalpensaFiere (Busto Arsizio), ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Como Fun, LarioFiere, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Halloween in Tuttinfiera, Fiera di Padova, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: T.Ink Festival, Tortona (AL), ITALY (online).
- Vendor booth at: ALEcomics, Cittadella di Alessandria. ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Mlano Comics and Games, MalpensaFiere (Busto Arsizio), ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Nerd Show, Bologna, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: ALEcomics, Cittadella di Alessandria, ITALY.
- Group show: "The Coaster Show 2020", Gallery 30th South, California, USA.
Featuring artworks: "Praise Nor Fighting" and "Sancta Vampyria Coaster"
- Group show: "Kaosfaktor - Winter Solstice Salon", Kaosfaktor Konstsalong. Malmö, SWEDEN (cancelled event due to emergency Covid-19).
- Group show: "20", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "In The Silence Of A Bittersweet Hope"
- Group show: "Danse Macabre", Memento Tea Gallery. ONLINE.
Featuring artwork: "Chorus Mortis"
- Vendor booth at: ZAPP! Festival, Pescara, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Fiera Del Mistero, Desio (MB), ITALY.
- Group show: "How Long Is Forever", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artworks: "The queen's indisputable law" and "The queen's morbid game"
- Group show: "Centuries Decay", Memento Tea Gallery. ONLINE.
- Group show: "L'Inferno Di Dante Alighieri", Imagine Fine Art. ITALY.
Featuring artwork: "Gola"
- Vendor booth at: ALEcomics, Alessandria, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Cartoomics, Milan, ITALY.
- Group show: "Obra Prima", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "Angel of grief"
- Vendor booth at: Italian Doll Convention, Milan, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: NOVA - Cosplay Comics Games, Nova Milanese, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: ZAPP! Festival, Pescara, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: ALEcomics, Alessandria, ITALY.
- Group show: "Lost In Wonderland", Virtual Art Gallery, ITALY.
Featuring artwork: "The queen's indisputable law" and "The queen's morbid game"
- Group show: "The Coaster Show 2018: Volume Six", Gallery 30th South, California, USA.
Featuring artworks: "Anima Sola" and "Sancta Mulieris"
- Group show: "Epeolatry", Auxilium Haus (formerly Alexi Era Gallery). Eugene, USA.
Featuring artwork: "Words Tight"
- Group show: "A Night At The Movies", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "Coraline"
- Vendor booth at: In Fantasy Land, Legnano, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Cartoomics, Milan, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Festival Del Fumetto, Milan, ITALY.
- Group show: "The 5th Annual Coaster Show", La Lez De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles.
Featuring artworks series: "Regret" I - II
- Vendor booth at: ALEcomics, Alessandria, ITALY.
- Group show: "Damned X". Tangent Gallery, Detroit, USA.
Featuring artwork: "Do you wanna play with me?"
- Vendor booth at: Fumettopoli, Milan, ITALY.
- Group show: Holiday Benefit Extravaganza, "Krampus Night". Tangent Gallery, Detroit, USA.
Featuring artwork: "Do you wanna play with me?"
- Group show: "78 Tarot Nautical", Eight and Sand Gallery and subsequently Push/Pull Gallery. Seattle, USA.
- Group show: "8x8", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "New Life Reclaimed"
- Group show: "Breacking Borders - Spellbound", Tangent Gallery, Detroit, USA.
- Group show: "The Dark One", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
- Group show: "The 4th Annual Coaster Show", La Lez De Jesus Gallery, Los Angeles.
Featuring artworks series: "Salvation" I - II - III
- Group show: "78 Tarot Carnival", Eight and Sand Gallery. Seattle, USA.
- Vendor booth at: Torino Comics, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Fumettopoli, Milan, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Festival del Fumetto, Novegro, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: ALEComics, Alessandria, ITALY
- Vendor booth at: iComix, Milano, ITALY.
- Group show: "Untamed Fauna", Alexi Era Gallery. Oregon, USA.
Featuring artwork: "Spirit Guide"
- Vendor booth at: Torino Comics, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Arcadia Comix, ITALY.
- Group show: "INK.²", Tangent Gallery, Detroit. USA.
Featuring artwork: "La mia promessa"
- Group show: "Breacking Borders - Elements", Tangent Gallery, Detroit, USA.
Featuring artwork: "BhaRaTa Bayang"
- Group show: "Freak Show", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "The Puppetter: Eye doesn't see, heart doesn't grieve" and "The tamer of the living dead animals"
- Vendor booth at: Fumettopoli, ITALY.
- Group show: "Memento Mori", Penumbra Gallery. Loures, PORTUGAL.
Featuring artwork: "Memento Mori" and "The lost embrace of life"
- Vendor booth at: iComix, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Clerici Cosplay & Comics, ITALY.
- Group show: "78 Tarot Nautical", Eight and Sand Gallery and subsequently Push/Pull Gallery. Seattle, USA.
- Group show: Holiday Benefit Extravaganza, at "Krampus Night". Detroit, USA.
Featuring artwork: "Ectropion"
- Group show: "Damned VII", Tangent Gallery, Detroit, USA.
Featuring artwork: "Fristration -is an evil attitude-"
- Vendor booth at: Novara Manga Comics and Games. Novara, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Arcadia Comics. Milano, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Fumettopoli. Milano, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: iComix. Milano, ITALY.
- Group show: "100,1 Artists Project" - Art Take Miami 2012-, online group show at SCOPE Miami.
- Vendor booth at: Artigianato Artistico, Bellinzago, ITALY.
- Vendor booth at: Artigianato Artistico, Verbania, ITALY.
- Solo Show: Irene Art Café, Novara, ITALY.
- Solo Show: Irene Art Café, Novara, ITALY.
Awards & Publishing
- Featured art on "Heretic" book, published by Heavy Music Artwork
- Award: Special Distinction Mention: "Anything & Everything" on Fusion Art - Gallery 4%, online gallery. Featuring artwork: "A blooming flower for the Venus of Eternal Spring"
- Award: Daily Deviation on deviantART: "The Flow in Time and Memory"
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for 10th Anniversary (a Deck of Memories), with "5 of Cups" from Astral deck.
- Global collaborative project: Braiiinz! Publishing for "Beauty & the Myth".
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Halloween Deck: "Zombie" oracle card.
- Global collaborative project: Braiiinz! Publishing for "Twisted Dolls".
- Article on KOTH Magazine
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Magical Deck: "Poppet" oracle edition card.
- Global collaborative project: Braiiinz! Publishing for "Mystica" Tarot.
- Article on "Illusorya’s Tales From Nowhere", on Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Animal Deck: "3 of swords" card.
- Article on "The tale of Illusorya: Exploring the Dark Grotesque", on Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.
- Interview podcast su Radio News24
- Article on "Col mio stile Dark traspongo frammenti di vita" on Giornale di Arona.
- Interview and article on "Stefania Russo - Empath Art", on Heavy Music Artwork.
- Award: Daily Deviation on "Chorus Mortis"
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Ecological Deck: "The Judgement" card.
- Cover and article on: magazine "MarvellousArt Gallery".
- Featured art on: "NUMiNOUS Magazine" - Pandemic Issue.
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Elemental Deck: "5 of Swords" card.
- Cover and article on "The Horror Zine".
- Article on "Artist's Circle of Hell" by Memento Tea Gallery.
- Cover and featured art on "The Horror Zine".
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Mythical Deck: "10 of Swords" card.
- Interview on The Heroine's Journey.
- Cover and featured art on "The Horror Zine".
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Astral Deck: "5 of Cups" card.
- Coloring Book: "Bloody Tears". Self-publishing.
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Carnival Deck -Cirque du Tarot-: "Eight of Swords" card.
- Article on "Avari Magazine" - Twisted Holidays 2015
- Article on "Enchanted" book by Out Of Step Books editore.
- Slenderman stabbing case. Artwork "Slenderman II" featured on USA Today's article.
- Interview on Spak@rt - Viscere nell'Arte.- Article on Mega*Zine Lost & Found, issue 12/2015: "Seeds of Destruction".
- Artbook: "Fanhir's Illusory Art" from 2010-2015 works. Self-publishing.
- Global collaborative project: 78 Tarot for Nautical Deck: "Ace of Wands" card.
- Featured art on "Pandaemonium: Devils, Demons & Monsters" book by Out Of Step Books pubblishing.
- Award: Daily Deviation on "SelFie Porn": "SeLfie PoRn by StefaniaRusso makes a blunt statement in the artist's own unique and compelling style."
- Award: Daily Deviation on deviantART: "Fear Of The Dark"
- Article on The WallBreakers.
- Article on Wocozome Magazine.
- Article on Last Laugh Magazine 8th Issue.
- "Fear Of The Dark" (lineart) published on "Brain Celebration" Coloring Book by Ellen Million.
- Featured Portfolio su
- Article on Twohundredby200 Magazine 8th Issue.
- Article on Templum Digital Art Collection Magazine 6th Issue.
- Daily Feature on Dia De Los Muertos
- Daily Feature on Take A Look Outside The Gaze
- 100,1 Artists Project -Art Take Miami 2012- powered by See Me online exposure at SCOPE Miami 2012.
- Article on Shocaseme.
- Article on Artist Corner.
- Article on The Art Is Life.
- Article on Japanimando Magazine 19th Issue.
- Award: Daily Deviation on "Requiem For The Innocence" with review: "The rapacity of death and a Requiem For The Innocence; watercolors and ink from LadyFanhir"
- Daily Feature on Midnight Masquerade
- TBA (Today's Best Awards Showcase) su Zazzle: "Genie In A Pumpkin"
- Daily Featured on Winter's Song
- Award: Daily Deviation on Tattoo - Angel with review "Behold the beauty and grandeur of the angel holding a Triquetra symbol and a sword. This intriguing tattoo design is hand-drawn and presented in a very lovely way".
Artwork Licensing
Licenses, gadget stores and publishing:
- Winning Writers
- 78 Tarot
- Braiiinz! Publishing
- TeePublic
- RedBubble
- Ellen Million Graphics
- "Quotidiano di Ventura" RPG game - Characters Design
+ Tube Files via The PsP Project, UpYourArt, Dreamscapeimaging (2012-2015)
+ (2010 - 2016)
+ Nuvango (2014 - 2015)
+ Camaloon (2013 - 2015)
+ Design by Humans (2016 - 2021)
+ Modify Watches (2015 - 2018)